Hello and welcome to It's just a feeling

My name is Michelle. I created It’s just a feeling over 24 years ago after suffering from severe anxiety and panic symptoms myself. Even after all of these years, my reasons for doing this work remain the same:

“To help other people to understand what is happening to them and to help them to understand how they may be unknowingly making themselves worse, rather than better. I stop other people from falling into the same decline that I did”

May I wish you a very warm welcome to my website.

Supporting others became really important to me after I suffered severe anxiety and panic myself. I struggled to find the answers I needed to help me to make sense of what was happening to me.  

Michelle Vickers

Personal Growth Training

‘Knowledge is power’ is a common phrase but there is undeniably truth to the ability to feel calmer and safer within ourselves when we understand what something means. This is basically because we understand it more in relation to what it is and what it may mean to our own experiences. Once we understand something we change our perception of it which in turn can support us as we work through the difficulty we are having.

Anxiety Awareness
(Understanding anxious symptoms)

Are you feeling anxious or experiencing panic attacks?
Let me show you how to reduce your fears yourself , by understanding what anxiety is and is happening to you!
I know that it is possible for you to regain your quality of life & that you are very capable of working through anxious symptoms!


Anxiety Strategies
(Self-Management of anxious symptoms)

The anxiety strategies course will provide tools for you to gain confidence in managing and reducing the intensity of your anxious feelings. The content aim is to help you to build a personal toolbox of strategies so that you are able to find confidence to navigate your symptoms.


The Fear Monster

Book Series

The Fear Monster® Part 1

I am very excited to announce that my book series will be available very soon. I am going to teach you everything I know about navigating an anxious journey, from that first fearful feeling, to the point you are able to live more freely and beyond. I am going to use all of my knowledge from navigating my own journey to help you to understand yours.

I do believe that the time now is exactly right to introduce you to the Fear Monster® and all he stands for. I wish I could have done this sooner as my work with him has always felt incomplete, but you will come to understand why that has not been possible until now.

The Fear Monster® is an amazing but complex character you may think you understand him now, but you would be very wrong! I hope for you to come to see that he has so many dimensions to him, some of which may feel frightening, but others show his amazing capacity to help you. It has taken me twenty four years, along with the navigating of some incredible and unforeseen life events to understand him as I am able to now. 

The books are going to follow a personal journey. This is important so that I am able to take you through the entire process of working with anxiety as I have learnt how. The Fear Monster® is reflective of my life, because he is born from my very real and personal fear journey .

Register your interest to purchase part one, the first book of the three book series.

Follow my Vlog on Youtube

I have created and produced a series of MP3 downloads for you to purchase and listen to at your own leisure, in your own time.

  • MP3 1 ‘Audio help with Panic Attacks’
  • MP3 2 ‘Audio help with Agoraphobia’
  • MP3 3 ‘ Audio help with Social Anxiety’

It is my hope for you to find the content both reflective and informative and may I thank you for your purchase

About the author

I’m Michelle. My passion is to create and then continuously develop this website originated from my own experiences of Anxiety and Panic symptoms and my difficulty in accessing and finding the information that I needed in order to make sense of what was happening to me.

That, together with my absolute refusal to believe that there was no hope, lead me on a journey of self-discovery that would inspire me to share what I came to understand with others to stop them from falling into the same decline I did.


I am always happy to hear from anyone feels that the information displayed on It’s just a feeling has supported them in some way. Please find below a few examples of testimonials that I am very proud to receive:

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