Welcome to section one, where you will find information that may help you to understand what is happening to you.
This is the section in which I ask you to consider your anxious feelings as more than they first appear to you (a terrible overwhelming sensation that you do not wish to feel again and that needs solving).
Most people just identify the feeling and try to solve it. In my experience this is why it makes it so difficult for them to get a handle on their anxiety.
There is much more to anxiety than that, we need to open our mind to a wider picture. The wider picture is crucial to understand if you really want to make a lasting difference to how you are feeling.
There are the two parts to anxious feelings which are always:
1.The root of the anxiety – the deeper ocean and the bit we don’t see unless we start to look. The deeper ocean is the driver of our surface wave (Our anxious feeling).
The reason we don’t see this unless we look for it is because this is the unconscious part of us.
If we don’t know it’s there then it would seem logical for us to focus on the only bit, we can see which is the feeling. This is why we perceive the feeling as the problem and why we are scared of it.
This is about getting to know who we are and beginning to pay attention to our self in a way in which we may never have done before. This part of us is the individual part of our anxiety, we cannot compare this to other people as this is our root.
Logically, once we do become aware of our individual undercurrents, we can bring unconscious aspects of ourselves into our conscious awareness and then we are able to work with it. This is when fear becomes less scary because we can see what is behind it.
2. The second part of anxiety is the bit we are more than aware of – the feeling of anxiety itself, how it manifests in each one of us and how we work to avoid it.
This is the bit we can identify with others which leads us to feel the same. We work to stop these feelings and we think we are helping ourselves when actually we are making things much worse. This is because we are taking a generalised approach to an individual problem. A problem appearing in us as it seems to appear in others.
Section one will look at how we first notice anxiety as a feeling and feel over whelmed by it.
This section relates to the surface wave that we can see and will incorporate:
‘What is happening to you’, in the sense of understanding the feeling and how it may manifest in your body.
What is happening to you
In section one of the website – ‘What is happening to you’ – we will look at how we first notice anxiety as a feeling and feel over whelmed by it.
This section relates to the surface wave that we can see.
Explore the links below to learn about ‘What is happening to you’, in the sense of understanding the feeling and how it may manifest in your body.
- Panic & Anxiety Attacks
- Nocturnal Panic Attacks
- Depersonalisation
- Anxiety & Panic
- Symptoms Explained
- How you get stuck in the anxiety cycle
- Safety Behaviours, why they are key
- The fight or flight response
- The Amygdala
- Panic Disorder
- General Anxiety Disorder
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Obsessive Thoughts
- Agoraphobia
- Clinical Depression
- Postnatal Depression
- Having Suicidal Thoughts
- Can I get better again?
- Lets stamp out stigma together
You may also be interested in the following workshop:
The Fear Monster® concept Workshop which will help you to understand how the Fear Monster® initially manifests as this feeling, gets really big and out of control, becomes our enemy and creates our avoidance behavioural cycle. At this stage our avoidance of him leads us to think we are helping ourselves by avoiding him.