An update from me

Hello Everyone,

Firstly, my sincere apologies for the absence of new blog posts on It’s just a feeling.

When I very first developed this site (many years ago) I was a girl who had had a difficult time with anxiety, and It became really important to me to support other people with their own anxious feelings.  I probably should mention that this was long before any real internet focus or information was available about anxiety, which is certainly a far cry from the mass of information that is available on social media and the internet nowadays!

The issue back then was that there was really nothing, and that meant that as someone who was experiencing really strong anxious feelings, I was very scared and very isolated.  The memory of those times has now faded a little, but I haven’t forgotten how the lack of information really didn’t help me or that, that I was unable to understand why this thing that had started inside me or what was happening to me. Was I ever going to be ok again?

My mission was clear, to experience my feelings (I had little choice to be honest!) and to document as much as I can in order to create this website.

The website remains online. You don’t see me updating social media daily with all of my thoughts as, if I am honest, I am not a person who wants to constantly appear on social media or to prove that I am the font of all knowledge and I can ‘cure’ you, it is just not me. I prefer to continue to work silently in the background, but I still wish to contribute where I can to this cause as it remains important to me.

Since those early days and as my own anxious feelings faded, I then trained officially as a Counsellor and Psychotherapist as I wanted both client’s and followers of the website to have additional confidence in my ability to support them knowledgably, safely and ethically. This has pretty much been my story since as I have trained nonstop for many years now, firstly to gain my qualifications and then in additional skills. There have been many hours of client work within a variety of emotional issues/presentations both within private practice and within organisations. This means that anxiety itself has not been able to be the main focus in all of my work as it was at the beginning, but anxious feelings do still connect to other issues and so my knowledge of it, both as a sufferer and a practitioner, remains beneficial within all of my work.

My most recent undertaking was a Master’s degree in Domestic Violence and sexual abuse and this work has thankfully now been completed, leaving me once again free to begin to contribute on issues that remain a passion for me, such as this website.

This is what has kept me away from being a consistent presence in updating blog posts and my You Tube channel and I wanted to explain.

There is going to be a few changes to the way that I am able to do things here, I am not currently able to offer one to one session to over sea’s clients mainly due to my current working commitments and the time zone differences which makes the sessions difficult to accommodate. This situation may change and when it does, I will update the page to reflect this.

Given the current economic climate and my wish to help where I can, I have reduced my Fear Monster ® client course to the cost of what would have been a single one-to-one session with me as an alternative.

Here is a link to purchase the course and some further information.

The Fear Monster Client ® course 

‘This course will offer a comprehensive guide for you to work with your anxiety and you will have a lifetime access to the course.

The Fear Monster ® was an analogy that I created myself when I was working with my own anxiety, It really helped me to facilitate my own recovery and I now wish to share with you all’ The way I worked with him in mind helped me and I am sure that understanding him can help you too.

I shall be adding further blogs in the near future as well as additional information for you all on the main site itself, I did just want to touch on an update so my absence and my lack of website and social media content during the current digital age is explained!


I look forward to continuing to work tirelessly with anxiety and panic and to continuing to do my bit to educate the world and to assist you all to facilitate you to manage your anxious feelings so that your quality and zest for life return.


I will be back very soon,


In the meantime, take good care,


Michelle 🙂







1 thought on “An update from me”

  1. Michelle
    It would be good to see a coping mechanism for those of us who suffer with death anxiety issues as part of our problems with anxiety. I have been suffering now for well,over a year and this issue continues to be at the forefront of my mind!

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